Thursday, July 8, 2010


On Monday, we went to Splashmins, a creek resort 30 minutes from the house. I was so excited to get there!! We left late in the afternoon, so we had only a few hours to play, but we had a great time! Check out the color of the creek water-it's a dark brown due to tannins in the forest leaves. It feels like you're swimming in tea!!!
Tariq gives me the hardest time when I try to take pics of him. He absolutely REFUSES to smile. I told him that there might be some cute 13 year old girls in Cali who will see these pics...Look how he straightened up!!
An old Guyanese saying: Once you eat Labba and drink creek water, you'll always return to Guyana. Look at the labba!!

labba - paca-2.jpg

Hmmm....Labba with a creek water stew???

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you are experiencing all of these wonderful opportunities! You look happy and at peace. I'm so glad I can virtually share this very special journey with you.

    Btw: your cousin is going to be a heart breaker-- I can tell....

